I'm very excited this season will be the best yet with an over the top military opening with ships and helicopters, castaways not knowing whos gonna be there and what tribes they will be with and only to find out they only have one machete, one boiling pot and a water canteen for each of them to make do with during their stay in the Pearl Islands.
Here's the new 'Ancient Voices' Theme for Survivor : All Stars which is a mesh of all the previous themes and extended to include the extra 2 castaways up from 16.
hey my question about all stars is the prize still 1million dollars? because most of the people on allstars have allready won survivor so how trippy would that be if they get another million! CRAYYZEEE
survivor is an okay series. it not like big broether where everythings is predictable and only one thing goes on. i like immunity challenges and stuff but yeah.. when does it air?
I have become a big survivor fan, but I didn't watch the earlier series.... so it will be interesting for me to see some of the characters from the earlier survivor series because I only started watching from Thailand I think?
you will remember why jerri pissed you off.. yes, you will. she was so annoying.
and i get stressed in immunity challenges as well. i want to see the competitors from the first series again. it seems like last year that that series was on!
man i saw on an ad whow as gonna be on survibor allstars...they're pretty good except for some random people like 'amber' and 'shiann' well to me persoanlly i didn't really notice them maybe shi ann more coz she was the cool one who got pissed at rob the loser....hehehe but amber...geez who the hell was she!