As the title states, I completed the university enrollment and registered my class preferences for semester 1 and 2.
How do I create my timetable? Do I have to do something or just wait?
Just wait and enjoy the holidays
all timetable information is in the link OzKo gave above. But basically its automatically done, and you can't see it until about 2 weeks before uni starts.
If you are really keen you can go to here: and do a text search for usyd first semester to look at what textbooks your subjects may have set if you want an early look. Generally co-op is correct as this is the list they get from lecturers which gives them numbers on how many books to order (there is a co-op at usyd campus - lines are massive in the first 2 weeks of semester). However word of warning, this list is not always correct, and it may be that you rock up to first class and the lecturer says 'you don't really need this one', 'only if you want to'... its always a toss up between beating the queue and buying your books in the week before class, and being potentially told in the first week that you don't actually need it...