well i feel a bit more confident about the HSC.
looking over the past papers which have been nestled quietly within the depths of my harddrive didnt seem as bad as i thought it would be.
think i gained a bit of strength from working out to destress, while at the same time losing alot of flexibility which i had gained during the holidays. i went from being like 20 degrees away from the front side split at the end of the holidays to now being pretty stiff. the self inflicted pain from stretching is quite calming...
ive almost got my pen thumb spins perfected. begins in the original pen holding position and flicks around 360 degrees while balancing on the top of the thumb and ending up back in the same position.
i think i would have put on some weight, but days of binging followed by days without an appetite has balanced out nicely. once i get a free weekend ill be going down to the shops and spending a good $100 on a trolley full of complete junk food and maybe a dvd or two and spend a day on the couch...ahhh our years of education, studying and working our asses off will not have been in vain.
i have to cut my nails, theyve grown quite long and are getting in the way of my pen twirling. my computer addiction has been replaced with a far more entertaining and productive hobby it seems.
i have also grown a nice little moustache. not a thick one with numerous amounts of hair, but a soft, tame moustache that seems to flow across my lips like patterns forming in the sands of a quiet, windy beach.
oh yes, my sexual attractiveness has increased quite significantly.
*gives a Blue Steel look
also cut down on alot of TV, mainly because its becoming increasingly pointless and full of reality/game shows and because my TV which is like 17 years old (i asked my mum yesterday) now ends up resetting when its turned off and you have to retune the channels and colour settings and noone in the house can be bothered doing it everyday.
also gained an odd sense of respect and love ("these feelings...theyre strange...and unusal") for friends, teacers and randoms in my year that i never had before. gonna miss everyone weve departed, gone our seperate ways and will never again be together as one. *sniffs