Heyy, so I'm about to pick my year 11 & 12 subjects and I don't know whether or not to do extension 1 english. My English teacher suggested I do it and I'm doing advanced english next year for sure. I'm currently 8th out of my grade in English and I got an A so if I really want to do it I should be able to get into the class. But is it worth it? After school I want to be a PE teacher or in the Navy or Police Force so I don't really think that extension english would do much for them. Would I be putting in all the extra work for no good reason or would it actually be worth it? I also got told that if I screw up advanced english's exam and I have extension english and don't screw it up only one unit of advanced will count towards my ATAR. Is this a good reason to do it? So how hard is it and is it really worth doing? Thanks