Inner journeys clearly presented itself as a 'for' option - not only because the characters are forced to experience a series of epiphanies but because the responder also needed a sefl-realisation and reflect upon their prejudices.
Basically, I discussed the concept of growth and obstacles being a correlative factor in the inner journey - In particular, I structured my thesis based on techniques used by the composer and how they represented the concept of 'self-realisation '- and how techniques such as symbolism, contrast, pronoun shifts and a nostalgic tone were evident in all my texts.
My Place and the use of paternalist imagery, road not taken was connected to Nan: telling her story in ages and ages hence and my related text, called Summer Storm - which was about a kid coming to the self-realisation that Again correlating with the choices Frost made in life. I discussed the use of colour, rain, weather patterns, bird call motifs as metaphors for the challenges self-realisation entails and how responders we are forced to espouse the ideas being expounded. Michel Foucault was useful for this. Hence, self-realisation and admiting the nature of one self is essential in an inner journey as it leads to growth on two levels: responder and character.
I do feel sorry for people who did the physical journey, although if you propounded a thesis on the aesthetic nature of the journey and perhaps on the connection between the physical, inner and imaginative.