Only by making them visually more predominant in your notes, different fonts, colours, highlighting, text, etc. By interchanging between a system of font styles and colours, you'll grow used to looking for the quotes in a particular style, as they'll standout.
What I do to learn quotes and as such (for English, any of the Histories, and social sciences) is to have your core set of notes, then a separate set of notes of quotes, and I analyse the quotes (i.e. why is it important? What does it tell me? Any interesting feature? (tones, features, word choice, information, etc).
Unfortunately remembering quotes is more of a ROTE learning style, and it forces you to learn information almost word for word. But, if you can remember the general features of the quote that's more than enough. You'll also find the actual exams you'll remember things much more easily, and surprise yourself. Once you're writing the information the quotes usually come to the forefront of your brain, and you remember them (or, so with myself they do).
If all else fails, re-reading them, using them in responses will help you to remember them also.