Congratulations! Generally speaking, a unit would likely have one weekly lecture and one weekly tutorial. The purpose of a lecture is to introduce you to one or more relevant concepts within the unit. Multiple lectures throughout the term thus allow you to cover the full content of a unit.
Tutorials are connected to lectures in that they allow discussion of lecture content and unit assignments/exams in a class setting. Typically, one lecture would be followed by one tutorial. This means that if you have a lecture for a particular unit in a particular week, you will also have a tutorial targeting that lecture in that same week.
However, assuming that you will be studying full-time, you will likely have more than one lecture and tutorial per week in total for all of your units. Depending on the number of units that you take each term, as well as the specific structure of each unit, you can probably expect to have 2-3 lectures and 2-3 tutorials each week.
I hope this helps!