:worried: hey everybody,
i hope ur all studying well!!!
i have a question for text and ways of thinking: pomo.
in regards to pulp fiction, i'm having difficulty picking out two elements: gender and intertextuality. gender im not really fretting about, but i know theres heaps of interetextuality, and i just can't pick it out.
would someone with pulp fiction notes be able to provide some insight into this isutation. i'm dying here!!!
thanks a heap
i hope ur all studying well!!!
i have a question for text and ways of thinking: pomo.
in regards to pulp fiction, i'm having difficulty picking out two elements: gender and intertextuality. gender im not really fretting about, but i know theres heaps of interetextuality, and i just can't pick it out.
would someone with pulp fiction notes be able to provide some insight into this isutation. i'm dying here!!!
thanks a heap