i) 12C8
ii) 6C4 x 6C4
iii) 4!3! / 7!
Draw a circle with 8 spots.
We 'fix' in 1 boy. 3 boys left. Now, we're going to place the boys making sure to leave a seat empty between each boy. 3 boys can go in 1st of those seats, 2 in the second, 1 in the last.
Now we will fill in the blanks with the girls. 4 girls can go in first of the empty spots, 3 in the second, etc.
therefore: 4! x 3!
Since they've asked us the probability, we need to answer in terms of total possible ways to arrange these 8 students in a circle, which is 7!.
Hence 4!3! / 7!
Note: HeroWise has done this visually in his/her drawing above