Yes! Representation is the underpinning concept of this module.
The definition of representation is the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.
So, think about how the composer represents political perspectives, ideas, events, and situations. How do they represent political motivations? How do they represent the impact of political acts?
What you discuss in this module will be:
How does "composer" represent "one or two of the things underlined above". For example, How does "composer" represent the impact of competing political perspectives. So naturally, representation will be ingrained in your essay. It will be the driving force behind everything you write!
So YES! Your thesis should be about representation, but specific to your text.
Also, when you're writing, explore what shapes the composer's representation of people and politics. I.e. CONTEXT!
Good luck friend!
Last year's exam question was:
‘Political motivations may be ambiguous, but control is the ultimate goal.’
Evaluate this statement with detailed reference to your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing.
So basically, how does your composer represent that ‘Political motivations may be ambiguous, but control is the ultimate goal.’