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one child policy (1 Viewer)


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
What do you think??????? about the one child policy in China?

thank you!!!!


Dec 14, 2005
I think it is barbaric.

How can you just arbitarily kill one half of the population?

Okay, if you have a billion people like China ... but it is a harsh harsh way to go about things.

One good thing about the One Child policy is smart Chinese girls going to the first world to have as many children as they want and more freedom.

What travel restrictions are there in the People's Republic of China, if anyone has first-hand experience of these? Or can refer me to a good book.

This is my first response; not at all well-thought-out and sociological at all. This is knee-jerk. Very gut wrenching as you might say.


May 24, 2005
I lived in Shanghai for a year in 2003. We were there when SARS was happening and the Chinese people had no idea really what was going on because the government censorises their newspapers. We, as expats, had access to CNN.

It is likely that a lot of Chinese people wouldn't know any other way than the one-child policy or how the rest of the world lives.

Although the government is strict, how else would you propose to fit 1.6 billion people in one country?


Dec 14, 2005
The one child policy started in the 1970s? Just trying to get a feeler out here.

Yes, good point. A whole generation wouldn't know any other way. So it would be hard to get them to change, even with pressure from the rest of the world.

Strict press controls and no freedom. They even block the Wikipedia.

I don't really know how you would fit 1.6 billion people in the one country. Russia is a very big country. Canada is a very big country. Yet they don't have 1.6 billion people despite how big they are in area. Maybe move some of the Chinese to Canada or Russia? That would take pressure off the country and its agriculture. China is still mainly an agricultural country.

I'm sure there must be other good ideas.

How many people can a country contain before it's overpopulated? And how many people are going to live in the world and be sustainable?


Active Member
Aug 14, 2004
BronwynKate said:
I think it is barbaric.

How can you just arbitarily kill one half of the population?
How is it barbaric? What are you talking about? What does the O.C.P. have ANYTHING to do with half the population being killed? It's about restricting the number of babies that could be born.

BronwynKate said:
This is my first response; not at all well-thought-out and sociological at all. This is knee-jerk. Very gut wrenching as you might say.
Indeed it is.

starlitwonder said:
It is likely that a lot of Chinese people wouldn't know any other way than the one-child policy or how the rest of the world lives.
No, the Chinese people are very aware of it. They're not stupid. :)


Dec 14, 2005
Women = 51% of the population

in any normal society.

Or the male:female ratio is more accurate and adequate for our purposes here.

That's all I meant.

Thank you for drawing the distinction between

"killing half the population" (uncontrolled and wild rhetoric, I realise now)

and "restricting the amount of babies that could be born" (which under some circumstances is sensible).

What is the population growth in China? And how would it be if it were unrestricted? (give me a rough percentage...)

What exactly do the Chinese know about the way the rest of the world lives? It seems they're getting highly filtered accounts of this. But I guess it depends on where you live, rural versus urban.


May 24, 2005
wanton-wonton said:
No, the Chinese people are very aware of it. They're not stupid. :)
I meant the people out in rural China may not know how the rest of the world lives, as their is no technological access out there


New Member
Dec 17, 2005
BronwynKate said:
What is the population growth in China? And how would it be if it were unrestricted?
the population growth in for 2006 is 0.59%, and well, who knows how it would be if it were unrestricted?

BronwynKate said:
What exactly do the Chinese know about the way the rest of the world lives? It seems they're getting highly filtered accounts of this. But I guess it depends on where you live, rural versus urban.
why do you think that the chinese government would filter the information that comes into china about how the rest of the world lives? there is censorship in china, most of the information censored are political opinions that are against the party and such. you are wrong in thinking that the chinese are getting highly filtered accounts on what goes on outside the country.

and your question, 'what exactly do the chinese know about the way the rest of the world lives?' - i want to ask you - how much do you know about how the chinese people live?

i think the western media tend to portray china as this country with no freedom because of their 'barbaric' communist government, and i think this is what you believe.

i don't think you understand the so called 'one child policy' properly. like most people outside of china, you seem to think that every woman is only allowed to have one child - end of story. but in reality the average fertility rate in china is closer to 2 per family than 1.

rural families are allowed to have 2 children.

if both parents are the only child of the family they may be allowed to have 2 children

if the first child of a family has a disability, the parents may have another child.

ethnic minorities are exempt from the restrictions.

the restrictions vary from location to location.

look, china is overpopulated, the plan is not perfect, but it's a solution to the population problem, it does violate human rights, but if a couple really wants to have more than one kids, there are ways to get around to it. really, it's not like everyone is SUFFERING from it, most people accept the plan because they understand the population problem.

BronwynKate said:
Strict press controls and no freedom. They even block the Wikipedia.
they blocked wikipedia? are you sure? where did you read that?

BronwynKate said:
One good thing about the One Child policy is smart Chinese girls going to the first world to have as many children as they want and more freedom.
err, do you actually realise that there are also a growing number of couples in china who choose to not have any kids? and that it's a general trend in industrialised countries that women are having less kids? you made it sound like it's a dream for all chinese girls to have all these children or something.

starlitwonder said:
I lived in Shanghai for a year in 2003. We were there when SARS was happening and the Chinese people had no idea really what was going on because the government censorises their newspapers. We, as expats, had access to CNN.
then what made you think that your family were the ONLY ones to have access to CNN or any other media source that's uncensored? major newspapers may be censored, but if people want to know what's really going on, it's not hard to find out with the internet.


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
the one child policy has its own pros and cons...but for me it's a good one.it ensures that the future of the younger generation woul be brighterwith good education, enough food, and better lives. with the continuous population growth of china, the living condition (esp in rural areas) would worsen if it won't be stopped.

but then there's also the threat of an increase of the elderly population.


Jan 13, 2006
Physically - Bankstown. Mentally - Mars
BronwynKate said:
One good thing about the One Child policy is smart Chinese girls going to the first world to have as many children as they want and more freedom.
I propose that you google search "Infanticide"

Oh look: infanticide ( ) n. The act of killing an infant. The practice of killing newborn infants.

The chinese are infanticidal

The majority of female babies are murdered by their families if they havn't been aborted already, hence the majoity of females do not get to the "smart" stage or the stage of "going to the first world"

To the original question - Its the most insanely psychotic "policy" since assimilation of the Aboriginals.

They have obviously forgotten that in order to keep humanity going you need man and woman...deargh. Think of all the poor lonely guys...:sleep:
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New Member
Dec 17, 2005
Mc_Meaney said:
The chinese are infanticidal

The majority of female babies are murdered by their families if they havn't been aborted already, hence the majoity of females do not get to the "smart" stage or the stage of "going to the first world"

To the original question - Its the most insanely psychotic "policy" since assimilation of the Aboriginals.

They have obviously forgotten that in order to keep humanity going you need man and woman...deargh. Think of all the poor lonely guys...:sleep:
cannot deny incidences of infanticide in china, but the reason for it is more to do with the traditional preference of boys over girls - not the one child policy. sex selective abortions and infanticide happen also in countries that does not have the ocp. sex selective abortions are made possible because of the advances in technology, so you may as well blame that.

and how's the policy 'insanely psychotic'? you think the government encourages infanticide and sex selective abortion? they are both a crime in china.


New Member
Dec 17, 2005
from wikipedia:

'The policy is not legally enforced nationally, only "encouraged". The policy is supervised usually at the Township-Level. Every township and town has a "Birth Planning Commission", headed by a Commissioner.'

so that's why the actual restrictions vary from location to location


Dec 14, 2005
Thanks for your explanation.

Many mainstream papers have said China has been blocking Wikipedia since 2004. It only does so periodically.

The Epoch Times is a good paper to sort these things out.

Especially about falun gong, but that is a different issue altogether.


New Member
Dec 17, 2005
i phoned a relative in china and ask her to try and go on wikipedia. she was able to use the site, no problem.

please do not think that just because that the epoch times is an indepedent newspaper it reports the truth. that newspaper is so strongly biased in favour of falun gong it's not funny. that. newspaper. is. propaganda.

you read the english version of it right? i read it sometimes as well, but the chinese version, i have never read the english version.

doesn't it seem suspicious to you that they make falun gong look like the only positive thing in china, and that every report about the chinese economy and the government is negative? it's so one dimensional. everything is so exaggerated, and i have serious doubts about the truthfulness of the reports.

some of the article are just ridiculous. for example, there was this stupid story in one of them about how the former chinese president is possessed by demons and now his is close to death, and that when he does die, he will be tortured in hell by more demons blah di blah di blah ... it was as laughable as bad fan fiction.

does this sound like a professional newspaper to you?

and about falun gong ... goodness ... my opinion - li hongzhi is such a liar. have you read any of the things he said? i saw a promotional video of falun gong a few years ago and seriously, it's (i think) full of crap!

read some of this ... they are from wikipedia, this is some of the things li hongzhi had said and the 'philosophy' he spreads -

There are more serious dangers for those who directly undermine Dafa. For example, a practitioner who plagiarizes Dafa is said to put his or her life at risk. In The Essentials [18] Li Hongzhi states:

“Did you know that in recent years some students suddenly died?...Once you are reduced to the level of an everyday person, no one will protect you and demons will also take your life. It’s even useless to seek protection from other Buddhas, Daos, and Gods, as they won’t protect someone who undermines the Fa. What’s more, your karma will also be returned to your body.”

sound like a safe religion to you?

In a speech in Boston in 2002, Li reported that scientists have discovered that the observable universe “is expanding faster and faster, and the speed of the expansion keeps accelerating.” Explaining that “something only expands before it explodes,” Li told his audience that he and the immense force of Fa-rectification have so far been able to avert an explosion:

Li said:
''Although the universe is expanding, I’m doing things at an extremely fast speed,and I can definitely catch up with it. If I don’t catch up with it, I can tell you, the final disintegration would make everything in the surface dimension cease to exist. If I do catch up with, everything is resolved. Not only will I catch up with it, but I will also surpass it, and that's when the Fa rectifies the human world.''

The true cause of disease is considered karmic, Li doesn't claim that viruses and bacteria are not behind people's illnesses, but he professes that they are not the root cause

Master Li claims to possess the supernatural power to heal illnesses.

and this

In 2003, Feng (a falun gong practitioner) gave the following statement: “If over 100 million Falun Gong practitioners had been allowed to practice Falun Gong, they would have been able to resist the SARS virus, stop the SARS virus from being transmitted through them, and form a large immunity shield, which could protect more vulnerable people in China. This is the saddest thing for me and brings me to something I must emphasize. What I want to say is this: persecuting Falun Gong is the most evil and foolish act. While this plague prevails over China, what we need most are those people with resistance to the SARS virus.”[31]

wow...if the virus returns let's give that a go!

In 1996, he said that “Mixed races have lost their roots, as if nobody in the paradise will take care of them. They belong to nowhere, and no places would accept them.”

"The disgusting homosexuality reflects the dirty mental abnormality that has lost ability to reason at this time."

... ...

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