So for this term our class has chosen "Music for radio, film, television and multimedia" as our topic and we have a core viva voce (week 6) and an elective (week 8). Any ideas on what my focus should be for my viva voce, if anyone's done the topic before?? Our class has only just touched on it, but I'm just trying reassure myself before I stress over the onslaught of assessment tasks that are soon to come. Also, for the elective, I'm a bit unsure on whether I should do a viva voce or a performance (composition no ty) but if I do end up doing performance, what are the most important factors to consider when choosing a piece? I'm currently learning grade 6 piano but I usually need more than 8 weeks to perfect a piece due to other priorities, so I don't want to perform anything too difficult. I'm thinking of performing either "Dawn" from Pride and Prejudice, or "Married Life" from Up- please advise me on whether they're decent song choices or not. On that note, what should the minimum difficulty/grade of a piece be in order to get a good mark? I mean, I know I'm not going to get anywhere by playing some song like mary had a little lamb, no matter how many expressive techniques there are. So where do the markers draw the line between "too easy" and "just right"?