OK this is some assistance rather than giving you the answer. If you're still stumped post back.
1. a) You don't need to know log8 3 to work this out. You should be able to equate this quickly by solving 8x = 2.
b) Use part a) and log8 3 = 0.528 to work this out.
2. This is just a standard ln integral question. As a hint, differentiate ex + 1. This should clue you in to what you need to do.
3. Differentiating xln x using the product rule you get ln x +1. Now if you want to integrate ln x but all you can integrate is ln x +1, then why not integrate:
ln x +1 - 1
This is a fairly common trick where you alter what you want want into an expression that you can deal with that still equates to what you want.
Best of luck, hope these hints help.
Best Regards