Hey is this a good structure for a King Lear essay.
1. Introduction
2. Existentialist Reading
3. Shown in Peter Brooks Production
4. Christian Reading
5. Brian Blessed Production
6. Analyse the same scene done for Brooks
7. Personal Opinion after looking at these two productions
8. Conclusion
Also a few quick questions:
With my personal opinion about the play, what do i have to say. Am I looking at what my actual opinion about the play is or how it has been enhanced due to these other readings.
With the scenes how many should I contrast to both productions?
And with your comment about context of King Lear as a play itself, did you mean how its a patriarchal society, jacobean context or did you mean talk about King Lear as a play and its basic plot.
1. Introduction
2. Existentialist Reading
3. Shown in Peter Brooks Production
4. Christian Reading
5. Brian Blessed Production
6. Analyse the same scene done for Brooks
7. Personal Opinion after looking at these two productions
8. Conclusion
Also a few quick questions:
With my personal opinion about the play, what do i have to say. Am I looking at what my actual opinion about the play is or how it has been enhanced due to these other readings.
With the scenes how many should I contrast to both productions?
And with your comment about context of King Lear as a play itself, did you mean how its a patriarchal society, jacobean context or did you mean talk about King Lear as a play and its basic plot.