She said a couple did really well but a lot of her friends struggled with time management and didn't achieve good results. I'm worried that I have a big workload and that I will struggle with time management, even though I'm not in yr 12 yet I don't want to stress out about time management in yr 11.
Remember, what your friend has observed is but a microcosm of all the HSC students who are undertaking 2 or more major works as a part of their HSC studies, and hence, you should see it as a non-representative sample of whether one would struggle with 2 major works-you would need a much larger sample size to tell you more reliable information. You do have a big workload-but this can be used to your advantage as you will spend less time procrastinating and more time actually doing the work. You won't get stressed out about time management, you will get stressed with poor time management, hence you need to stop worrying about being stressed in the future, just relax, and prepare your mentality for higher workload, find a system of managing your time that you find useful, and stick with it. A workload is only big if you try to do everything in one go, remember major works are meant to be spread over several terms, so of course if you hypothesise you need to complete your majors as soon as possible-you will feel extremely stressed just thinking about it. Don't be-relax and remember to breathe, smile and drink a cup of cold water
I'm doing Visual Art, Textiles, Geography, Ancient History, General Math, English and Catholic studies. I've been told that subjects like art and textiles are double the workload and that Geography also has a major project at the end.
If you are passionate about the subjects you are doing, if you manage your time very carefully and if you work on everything on a consistent weekly basis, you will be fine
Don't over-stress yourself before yr 11 has even officially started. This stressed mentality before you have experienced the actual stress will make you burn out sooner than you think.
Is this too much to handle?, should I drop a subject in yr 12?
Only you can really answer your own question. Make your own decisions-don't rely too much on other people's opinions, rely much more on your yr 11 experiences and what you find you can cope with.
Any advice would be much appreciated
Below are some links to threads I have compiled that may assist to relieve your stress and concerns (tips for senior studies, time management in holidays and during the term, tips for studying for English-can be applicable to Advanced/Standard) (tips on acing your VA theory exams) (Tips on acing your VA Body of Work)
Hope this helps-if you have any more questions-please feel free to PM me. Remember, don't worry and be happy-be excited about the subjects and challenges it will bring
Best wishes for you to ace your studies in your senior years