stjoeysgal, you hav absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you have just demonstrated how very little you know about this subject. firstly, it is completely ignorant and uninformed to say that the marks received in subjects do not change, as per UAC scaling, by more than 10 either positively or negatively. the significance of scaling depends on the actual hsc mark received i.e. a mark of 95 in business studies would get scaled up, whereas a mark of 60 would get scaled down severely (by much more than 10 marks, for your information).
whilst we are unable to find out the precise UAC scaling for every subject each year, most schools with departments that focus on academic development/technical points in the hsc etc are able to determine the approximate scaling. i was given, from my school, the approximate scaling for business studies a while ago (i have just done the hsc for the subject), and believe it or not, stjoeysgal, the scaling was significantly larger than the '10 mark' barrier you were talking about in your post for marks below approx 85, where marks were scaled down harshly
please have at least some knowledge of what you are talking about before you make comments...