Hi I am not completing the HSC entirely this year (only 3u maths), but I just wanted to ask how do interstate application work? Like are non-interstate students given a priority or are we all just ranked against each other for the selection process?
Applications for interstate study are processed through state-based tertiary admissions centres. You should contact the appropriate tertiary admissions centre depending on the state in which you wish to study:
In terms of prioritising applicants, if you are applying to interstate courses with selection based on academic merit, your ATAR will be used interstate, meaning that prioritising students probably isn't something that applies. All ATARs are treated as equivalent between the states, which makes applying interstate easier.
- For applications concerning Northern Territory and South Australia - SATAC (http://www.satac.edu.au/)
- For applications concerning Queensland - QTAC (https://www.qtac.edu.au/)
- For applications concerning Tasmania - The University of Tasmania (https://www.utas.edu.au/)
- For applications concerning Victoria - VTAC (https://www.vtac.edu.au/)
- For applications concerning Western Australia - TISC (https://www.tisc.edu.au/static/home.tisc).
- If you wish to apply to study at the University of Notre Dame in Western Australia, you have to apply directly to the university (https://www.notredame.edu.au/)
I will also include a couple of websites that you can use to learn more about different degrees offered by different Australian institutions:
- Course Seeker: This website provides you with access to details of all undergraduate courses offered by Australian higher education institutions. (https://www.courseseeker.edu.au/)
- ComparED: This website helps you compare student and graduate experiences across Australian higher education institutions. (https://www.compared.edu.au/)
I hope this helps!
Of course! You seem like a magician yourselfHOW does this man know everything even in OTHER STATES? Can this magic be learnt?