English is the best to study for! But DoN't get me wrong i can understand your situation as mine is on friday to! I recommend you create study cards. Write short point on each one and revise them as mnay times as you can. Also practice writing essays related, write summaries of you topic. If you are say studying poetry such as Robert Frost's poem about his inner journey write a list of how the nner journey is conveyed in the poem. What techniques are used in his poem to emphasise or create emotions? What symbolism if any etc.
I can help you out alittle more if you tell me what you're studying?
For instance with a novel, make sure you understand and know the following:
Method of narration - i.e 1st , 2nd, 3rd person
Plot - orientation , rising action, climax , conclusion
know who protagonist is
be famiiar with characters
be able to give a review about what it's about
be able to reale it back to Area of study
Be able to recount and explain quotes.
be able to write a plot summary
be able to retell events
be able to relate events and characters to impact on Protagonist
Be able to describe the process of an inner journey in the novel (if there is one)
Feel free to ask me more!