protection policy- based on the belief aboriginal people were dying out and were removed to reserves supposedly to improve their way of life but in effect the protection policy removed all rights as citizens and made aboriginal people reliant on reserves for food and shelter the government took the role of paternalism (fatherly) No one could leave the reserves or missions without authority or passes(tickets) , unable to marry without permission and usually partners chosen for them( young aboriginal girls marry white australians in attempt to breed out Aboriginals)
the policy was implemented under Aboriginal Protection Board and had the authority to remove children from their parents later known as the stolen generation
Assimilation policy from about 1837 and took over from proectionism the idea behind this policy was an attempt to assimiliate aboriginal people into white society. the underlying notion was that white culture was superior to aboriginal culture
Authorities believed if they took the children away (stolen generation continues) from their families and taught how to live as white australians they would forget their culture and eventually no longer have the 'aboriginal problem'.
Children were sent to institutions such as Cootamundra girls home or Kinchela for boys.
They were trained as domestic servants/helpers or farmhands. education was minimal and pay poor if they recieved any at all. although assimilation policy was to make aboriginals like white australians they were never given the same opprtunities and impacts of the Assimilation policy and the Stolen generation are still being unveiled today
Note Migrants were also organised under the assimilation policy before integration then multiculturalsim