honestly don't worry if you haven't started your primary research - just make sure you're always thinking about it (although the earlier you start it the earlier its out of the way). I think you should focus on clarifying your topic and secondary research (if you're not satisfied with what youve found so far, then keep researching!). Often the primary is used to further support what you've found (although some teachers do it the other way around with primary research first and then secondary supporting that).
I do suggest starting with primary research with will give you more generalised trends (e.g. questionnaires) and then slowly make then more in-depth like moving onto content analysis, focus groups and probably finishing with interviews (because honestly for something one-on-one and so specific it definitely helps to have a clear idea of your topic and what more information you need).
I hope this is helpful! but seriously don't worry if you haven't got primary research yet - you wont be disadvantaged but do keep trying to push forward with getting it done