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Harry Potter fans survey (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Feb 27, 2006
Hi, I am surveying Harry Potter fans for my school assignment. If you have a moment to answer these 12 questions I would really appreciate it. While the results will be included in my report, all answers will remain anonymous. You can email me your answers at emmy_bear89@hotmail.com, or pm me, or if you like, post them here. Hope you can help me.

1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age?
What is your gender?

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video)
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book
Visited a Harry Potter website
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)
Teacher/ School
Book Review
Other (please specify)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it
Family likes it
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil"
Personally enjoy
literary value
Positive Media Hype
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Childish Entertainment Educational Moral Fad Evil
Overrated Underrated Escapism Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like
Its Ok
Don't care
Strongly dislike

Thanks very much for your time :)


Oct 11, 2005
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 17
What is your gender? Male

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Y
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book N
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Y
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) N
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book N
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book N
Visited a Harry Potter website Y
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast N
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter N
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary N
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? I was interested around the time when it started to get popular, just followed everyone else and started reading it.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 3
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation 1
as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 4
Positive Media Hype 3

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? During the time that I was reading it, probably a few hours a day.

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? 20-30 hours reading through all of the ones already out.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Childish Entertainment

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter - magic, wand, wizard

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? I like his abilities as a wizard.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? His weakness with the opposite sex.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like
Its Ok
Don't care
Strongly dislike


Mar 25, 2006
Cruel Venus
1) Female, 17

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book - Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book - No
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas - Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) - Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book - No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book - No
Visited a Harry Potter website - No
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast - No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter - No
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary - No
Other, please specify

3) 1999, i suppose i was elevenish?

4) My Mum's friend's daughter was crazy about the first book... so my mum bought me it to encourage me to read more. I always loved like... magical stuff and JK is just awesome.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 3
Family likes it 3
Religious condemnation as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 6
Positive Media Hype 4
Other, please specify

7) 5-12hrs

8 ) 20hrs ish... - like including re watching the dvds and re reading the books.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational Moral Underrated Escapism Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter

- Reading
- Harry
- Ron

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? - The intricate plots in the series, and how after each book you learn more about the characters and their past... like it fits together like a puzzle. AND i also love how the characters ideals are changing as they mature... i know this is going to sound REALLY corny but its good, cos we grew up with them type thing... Like they were 11 when i was 11... and now we're older so we care about different things more then we did like then.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? - ... I dont like how some real important bits get cut from the Movies. I know they cant have like 5 hour films... but sometimes they cut out all the wrong things and leave in stupid shit.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like


Aug 16, 2005
Bonnells Bay
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 19
What is your gender? female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book No
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas No
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) No
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book No
Visited a Harry Potter website No
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter Perhaps I've read a newspaper that unbeknownst to me contained information regarding Harry Potter
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary No!
Other, please specify Nothing, to my knowledge

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
About year 9.

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?
The first 2 books were purchased for my brother and, because of all the hype I became curious, and mockingly read the first book aloud in a sarcastic way... and liked it.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter.

5- Peers like it
4- Family likes it
7- Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil"
1- Personally enjoy
2- literary value
3- Positive Media Hype
6- Other, please specify: anything to avoid "religious condemnationg as 'promoting evil' as less than 7

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
0, unless i'm reading a book, which i'm currently not

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
however long it takes to read the currently released book.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter
Entertainment, Fat, Overrated, Escapism

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
Interesting, Enjoyable, Plot-twister.

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
I think it's very creatively written, and I enjoy the plot-twisters - I always find that I can never predict how things will turn out.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
I dislike everything about Harry Potter that isn't the original books. I hate the films.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
It's a non-issue, really. I "don't care". I read the books, enjoy the books down, put the books down and am on my merry way.

You're welcome and good luck.


1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 16
What is your gender? Male

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book No
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) No
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book No
Visited a Harry Potter website No
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter No
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary No
Other, please specify N/A

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Year 8

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? Looked interesting

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 3
Family likes it 7
Religious condemnation 7
as "promoting evil"
Personally enjoy 2
literary value 5
Positive Media Hype 4
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? 0

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? 0

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Childish Entertainment Educational Moral Fad Evil

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter Different, copy, series

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? n/a

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? n/a

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Its Ok
Last edited by a moderator:


Apr 10, 2006
Outside your house
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 16
What is your gender? Female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) No
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book No
Visited a Harry Potter website Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter Yes
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary No
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Year 6 - 2000

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? My friend dared me I couldn't read it all so I proved her ass wrong

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 2
Family likes it 2
Religious condemnation 2
as "promoting evil"
Personally enjoy 6
literary value 5
Positive Media Hype 4
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? When a new HP book comes out - heaps and heaps of hours lol when there is a HP drought - 0 hours

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? Max $50

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational Moral Fad

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter: Original, highly interesting (yes I know - 2 words), quality

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? ...originality of it

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? dunno

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series? Pretty high
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Dec 14, 2005
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 23
What is your gender? female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book YES
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book NO
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas YES
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) NO
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book NO (I want to, though!)
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book NO (isn't that illegal)?
Visited a Harry Potter website YES, lots of websites
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast NO (that would be terrific though
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter NO
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary NO
Other, please specify
Read Harry Potter fanfiction

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
2000 when I was 16 (it was January 2000 and my birthday wasn't until March). I first knew about Harry Potter the year before that.

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? Because of a newspaper article and I already enjoyed fantasy and school stories.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 6
Family likes it 6
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" 2
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 5
Positive Media Hype 1
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
An hour or two, more if I'm talking to my boyfriend on the phone

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
$10 on the movies and an average of $20 on the books when they come out. Otherwise my Potter pleasure is at no cost to me as I get most of my information on the Internet.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
Inspiring, magical, well-written

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
The characters - I particularly enjoy The Trio, Hagrid and adult characters like Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin and the Dursleys.
The themes
The plots
J. K Rowling
11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
The way she sometimes uses stereotypes in her books.
Waiting for the next book to come out, or the next movie.
Redeemed Draco
Dead Dumbledore
Not knowing whether Snape is a good guy or a bad guy - though in other contexts I'm fine with the complexity and moral ambiguity of the books - this is a strength of Rowling's writing.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?

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Mar 25, 2006
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 15
What is your gender? Male

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book y
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter booky
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemasy
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) y
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book y
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book y
Visited a Harry Potter website y
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast y
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter y
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary y
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? 9

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? It was very intresting

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)
Teacher/ School

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 4
Family likes it 5
Religious condemnation 6
as "promoting evil" 7
Personally enjoy 1
literary value 2
Positive Media Hype 3
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? 7-12hrs

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? 7-12hrs times 52

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter magical, enjoyable, interesting

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? the exitement

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? don know

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like



New Member
Feb 27, 2006
Thanks very much to all who answered, you answers were a great help :)


New Member
Apr 21, 2006

1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 21
What is your gender? F

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book-yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book -yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinema-yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) -no
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book -no
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book -no
Visited a Harry Potter website -yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast-no
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter -yes
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary -yes
Other, please specify notebook, pencil, hanky, umbrella

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? 16

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? its the talk of the whole school

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)
Teacher/ School
Book Review
Other (please specify)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important -6

Peers like it -y
Family likes it -y
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" -n
Personally enjoy -y
literary value -n
Positive Media Hype -y
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? 3 hours

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? $35

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Childish Entertainment Educational Moral Fad Evil

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
cool, brave, strong
10) What do you like about Harry Potter? -the friendship of harry, ron and hermione

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?--can't think of anything

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like
Like -yes
Its Ok
Don't care
Strongly dislike



Merlin The Sorcerer
Mar 26, 2005
Hiding in the shadows waiting for the sun
1) What is your age? 18
What is your gender? Female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book: Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book: Yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas: Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) : No
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book: No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book: No
Visited a Harry Potter website: Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast: No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter: Yes
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary: Yes
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Um 2001, 14

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? I saw PS at the movies with my English class and wanted to read the books.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)
Teacher/ School

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 1
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 5
Positive Media Hype 1
Other, please specify: It's a good way to escape the stresses of reality and is written quite well.

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? No much at all really, I'll read the books when they come out and watch the movies when they come out and that's about it really.

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? See above.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational Moral Escapism Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter . Addictive, creative, nihilistic

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? It's a well written piece of literature that successfully combines fantasy with real issues.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter? J.K Rowling kills off my favourite characters >_<

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like
Its Ok
Don't care
Strongly dislike

Hmm I'd say like bordering strongly like


Active Member
Nov 21, 2005
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 16
What is your gender? Female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Y
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book Y
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Y
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) Y
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book N
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book N
Visited a Harry Potter website Y
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast N
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter Y
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary Y
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Year 6 - Age 11, Year 7 - Age 12

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? Felt like reading a fantasy book at the time

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 1
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation 1
as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 6
Positive Media Hype 1
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? 3-4 hours

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? $25

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational Moral Escapism Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? Most characters and the plot(s), as well as the way it was written. Hard to explain, but there's something about J.K's style...

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
-How certain, minor characters were oh-so-suddenly 'introduced' (too late i.e. Ginny)
-how Blaise was introduced and then no where to be heard of again after the first -half of the 6th book
-the unecessary length of the 5th book
-how Cuaron left out the significance of the Marauders in the 3rd movie, thus confusing those who haven't read the book, and therefore, also underplaying the importance of Harry's Patronus
-the first movie.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Like - Strongly Like


New Member
Aug 7, 2005
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 17
What is your gender? Female

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book -yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book -no
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas-yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) -yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book -no
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book -no
Visited a Harry Potter website -yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast -no
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter-yes
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary-yes
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? 12 years old

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?
got for christmas
5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it -3
Family likes it -3
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" -1
Personally enjoy-7
literary value -2
Positive Media Hype-4
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter? when reading every second until i finished

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter - excellent, exceptional, exciting

10) What do you like about Harry Potter? the personal conflict that Harry goes through

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
drawn out explanations
12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like



What is your age? 17
What is your gender? M

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Y
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book N
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Y
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) N
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book N
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book N
Visited a Harry Potter website N

Listened to a Harry Potter podcast N
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter N
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary
Other, please specify N

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Um maybe 12 or so

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? Cos it was a bestseller so i wanted to see what the hype was about.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)


6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 1
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" 4
Personally enjoy 6
literary value 3
Positive Media Hype 1
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
Now, 0 hours, I've read the books and thats it. In total maybe 20 hours reading the books.

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?

Only buy the books so not much.

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Questions Morals
Overrated Escapism Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter

Controversial, lacking in quality (latter books of the series), Overpriced

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?

Started reading it so now i want to know how it ends.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?

Don't care much for it, just want to know how it ends.


Jun 18, 2005
South of Gold Coast
1) What is your age? 17
What is your gender?Female

2) Bought and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book No
Visited a Harry Potter website Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter Yes
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary Yes
Other, please specify Attended mass school screening of GoF, attempted to help organise it, dressed up, been one of first few people in bookstores to get OotP and HBP, read fanfiction

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Yr 6-ish, so about 11

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter? GoF had dragons in it, so I read it first.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter?

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 6- being very important

Peers like it 4
Family likes it 2
Religious condemnation as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 6
literary value 5
Positive Media Hype 3
Other, please specify N/A

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
3+ hours

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
<$40 -- an adult cover every year since last year, new book when it comes out, movie ticket, DVD

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment; Educational; Moral; Underrated; Escapism; Money maker for businesses

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
Mystery, Love it, Exciting

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
The originality; strong, diverse characters; the emotions; characters were around the same age as myself; flowed nice; logical, yet surprising.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
Bad fanfiction; the wait between books (and movies);occasional stereotypes (like the angsty Harry).

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like bordering on obsessed, actually


Is in A State Of Trance
Feb 2, 2005
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 17
What is your gender? Male

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book Yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book No
Visited a Harry Potter website Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter No
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary No
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? Year 6 .. so about 11 / 12

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?
Was a good book

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it 5
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation 1
as "promoting evil" 1
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 1
Positive Media Hype 1
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
depends ... 10 hours if it's a new book out

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
just the books / movies

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational l

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
entertainment, poor plot (in the later series), overpriced
10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
jsut wanna finish the damn series to see wh at happens !

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
so many things left out in the 4th movie .. i wanted to see the quidditch world cup!!!

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Its Ok
Last edited:


Apr 12, 2006
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 19
What is your gender? M

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book yes
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video) yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book yes
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book no
Visited a Harry Potter website no
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast no
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter no
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary DEFINATELY NO
Other, please specify

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry

yr 10, 15 years old i think

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?
sort of saw the book around, read the start, thought it was boring, and tried again later...and really enjoyed it. basically just got hooked.

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter? (Delete ones that ones that didnt)
Teacher/ School

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important

Peers like it
Family likes it 1
Religious condemnation
as "promoting evil" 1 hahaha i remember this overreaction
Personally enjoy 7
literary value 3
Positive Media Hype 3
Other, please specify

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?
when reading i'd just read the whole thing, like in a few days or something

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter?
25 bucks?

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment Educational Moral
Underrated Escapism

What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter
(character) anger management, lame
(the book) quality read, enjoyable

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
(character) hes a bit of an idiot, and really lame, makes you like him occasionally
(the book) its a good read, i.e. its a good experience because it takes you into the fictional world. the characters are really well constructed, and there are good doses of humour in between.

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
(character) needs anger management, particularly in the latest books.
(the book) the author should just call herself joanne instead of JK. It just sounds stupid when shes referred to as J.K. Rowling in everyday speech. I mean, who the hell calls others by their intials. We dont call bush GW bush nor howard, JW Howard for example. Also, from the 5th book (i think) onwards, Ron kept using the word "mate" even though he'd never used it prior to this. It just sounded weird and lame.

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
Sydney, NSW
1)Please answer some general background questions
What is your age? 16
What is your gender? M

2) Answer yes or no if you have ever participated in any of the following Harry Potter activities

Bought and read a Harry Potter book: Yes
Borrowed and read a Harry Potter book: No
Watched a Harry Potter movie at the cinemas: Yes
Bought a Harry Potter DVD (bought a video): Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter Audio book
: No
Downloaded a Harry Potter E-book: No
Visited a Harry Potter website: Yes
Listened to a Harry Potter podcast: No
Bought a magazine that included information on Harry Potter: No
Bought Harry Potter merchandise e.g. Toys, costumes, stationary: No

3) In which year and at what age did you first read or watch Harry
Potter? The Olympic Year (2000), age 11

4) Why did you first become interested in Harry Potter?: The paperback edition of Prizoner of Azkaban was on special at Target

5) Which of these first introduced you Harry Potter?
Target (Book Sale)

6) How important were the following factors in the reason you started to follow Harry Potter. Rank from 1- being not at all important, to 7- being very important
Personally enjoy

7) On average, how much of your time a week would be spent on Harry Potter?: Not much now, but when the next book comes out... prolly every minute

8 ) How much do you spend yearly on Harry Potter? No idea

9) a) Delete the words which dont describe your opinion of Harry Potter

Entertainment, Escapism

b) What are the first 3 words you can think of to describe what YOU think of Harry Potter: No idea

10) What do you like about Harry Potter?
: No idea

11) What do you dislike about Harry Potter?
: No idea

12) How would you describe your dedication to the series?
Strongly Like
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