There is generally just a set of rules for 1/f(x). They are
f(x)=0 then
(therefore when the original function crosses the x-axis it will become asymptote)
then f(x)=0 (so it will cross the x-axis however this is not certain so when it reaches the x-axis we draw an open circle)
if you draw the line y=1 then the same points at which the line intersects with the original graph, 1/f(x) will also pass through those points.
For the f(x^2) you can use the same method D94 has shown you.
So let u=x^2, now say you take the point A(2,4), x=2 therefore u=4. However the y value has not changed, the point A has just moved from (2,4) to (4,4).
Another example is point B(3,8), x=3 therefore u=9. The y value still remains unchanged, so the point B just moves from (3,8) to (9,8).
So the f(x) graph just becomes stretched when you do f(x^2).