Theres one episode where Brooke interviews a Netballer who was culled from the team. After the interview she edits the questions she asked, which then tarnishes the teams reputation. Instead of the reason for culling the team member being due to poor form, it became a scandalous story about lesbians and discrimination.
This episode shows that when one bends the truth, its consequences are great.. Plus more but you can figure that out easily enough.
Also there is an episode where Mike wants to fry the big fish. Instead of killing off small businesses, he wants to go after the big guys. When he does so, he finds a huge story of fraud etc. However Brian threatens to have Mike sacked if the story airs, and Mike is forced to pull out.
This shows that sometimes the influence of others bigger and greater than you can affect what truths you tell.
Theres so much more to both of these, but I''m tired and need to study my texts... Hope this helped a little...
Good luck!