Yeah i've got coudl also check out old past HSC papers for the q's
1. To what extent does an understanding of Emma influence your response to clueless?
2. How has the composer of the contemporary text used the earlier text to say something new?
3. 'The process of transformation preserves more of the important ideas and concerns than it alters.' Discuss this statement in relation to the two presrcibed texts you have studied.
4. 'It is impossible to change the setting nad narrativee method of a satory without profoundly altering its meaning.' Discuss this statement in relation to Emma and Clueless
5. Just before her wedding, you have conducted an interview, with Miss Geist, during which she has mentioned some interesting similarites and differences between the roles and expectations of young women in Emma's day and in the 1990's. Write a feature articlee for the 'Branson Alcott High News' based on this interview, in which you explore some of the ideas she has raised.