S1 lecturer (Robert) basically scaled most of our assessment averages to D (or close). Cool guy.
ECON1203 is objective. Then MARK (most of it is multiple choice + memorised content, some bs analysis involved; group presentations + projects probably seem less objective, may depend on the harshness of your tutor - definitely not as bad as MGMT).
Then INFS...yeah... depends highly on your tutor probably. Some people get HDs, some people get Ps but they're like people on the same level? We made groups between all our friends (they force you to switch groups for both assessments). First group I tried really hard, got a high HD for my part. Group partner who I'd consider equal to me academically managed to secure high P-low Ds for her parts. Second group I tried just as hard, got a mid D for my part. Realised my group member (whose first group didn't any Ds or HDs) did the wrong question 20 minutes before the due time, told her to paraphrase stuff off 2 pages in the book and bullshit some company off google, she got a mid HD for her part. Other groups of our friends got like Cs and Ps overall. It's kinda fked.