The difference comes down to
- The structure and requirements of the program of study.
- The way in which you are admitted to Honours.
For a B. Arts the requirements are as follows:
B. Arts General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points for the degree 68
Minimum number of credit points at 200 level or above 38
Minimum number of credit points at 300 level or above 18
Completion of a Qualifying Major for the Bachelor of Arts
Completion of a designated People unit
Completion of a designated Planet unit (these are new, they are units outside of your usual area of study, you can find a list of them here:
So then if you want to major in Ancient History, say Egypt and the Near East, you must meet these requirements:
Requirements for the Major Ancient History, Egypt and the Near East:
Completion of a minimum of 24 credit points including the following prescribed units:
100 level: 6cp from AHIS140 - AHIS199
200 level: 6cp from AHIS240 - AHIS299
300 level: Capstone Unit: Egypt and the Near East (AHIS399 - 3 cp)
9cp from AHIS340 - AHIS398
Notice that even after you complete this major you still have plenty credit points left over in the overall B. Arts to perhaps complete another major or dip into electives (French or German would be ones to pursue). See how the program of study is very flexible? You simply pick what seems best for you.
Now, a B. Ancient History is a bit different. The general requirements are as follows:
General requirements:
Minimum number of credit points required for the degree 96
Minimum number of credit points required at 200 level or above 60
Minimum number of credit points required at 300 level or above 45
Completion of a designated People unit
Completion of a designated Planet unit
Completion of other specific minimum requirements as set out below
Instead of majoring in Ancient History like in a B. Arts, you must meet a different set of requirements (the 'program of study'):
Specific minimum requirements:
100 level
Three of:
- AHIS100 Greek Society 500-300 BC: Oikos and Polis (3)
- AHIS110 Rome: From Republic to Empire (3)
- AHIS120 Antiquity's Heirs: Barbarian Europe, Byzantium, and Islam (3)
- AHIS140 Myth in the Ancient World (3)
- AHIS170 Egyptian Archaeology: An Introduction (3)
TOTAL: 9cp
200 level
Two of:
- AHIS208Ancient Greek A (3)
- AHIS218 Latin A (3)
- AHIS258 Classical Hebrew A (3)
- AHIS268 Coptic I (3)
- AHIS278 Egyptian Hieroglyphs A (3)
Two of:
- AHIS209 Ancient Greek B (3)
- AHIS219 Latin B (3)
- AHIS259 Classical Hebrew B (3)
- AHIS269 Coptic II (3)
- AHIS279 Egyptian Hieroglyphs B (3)
- GMN295 German Reading for Special Purposes 1 (3)
- FRN295 French Reading for Special Purposes (3)
- AHIS230 Archaeology and Society: Archaeological Evidence (3)
-AHIS280 Ancient Egyptian Culture and Society (3)
TOTAL: 15 cp
300 level
Capstone Unit: AHIS339 Greece, Rome, Late Antiquity (3)
Capstone Unit: AHIS399 Egypt and the Near East (3)
Required: 18cp from AHIS units at 300 level
TOTAL: 21cp
400 level (this is honours)
Required: 24cp from AHIS units at 400 level
TOTAL 24cp
Electives (at any level so long as i meet the general requirements, Minimum number of credit points required at 200 level or above : 60 etc)
Required: 27cp
TOTAL 27 cp
See how the B. Ancient History is much more structured than the B. Arts? There are quite a few core units and you have to study ad well as 2 ancient languages. Mind you, you are still given a nice 24 cp chunk for electives to branch out and study other things.
The other big thing you might have noticed is that the honours year is built into the undergraduate degree, that is why it is called the the Bachelor of Ancient History (honours). However, you still have to meet GPA (grade point average - sort of but not really like an HSC ATAR) requirements to be admitted to honours:
Requirements for entry into 400 level: overall GPA of 2.5; GPA at 300 level of 3.0.
Not too sure how admittance to honours works for a B. Arts, but the main difference is that it is seperate from the B. Arts undergraduate degree.
Hopefully that wasn't too confusing and cleared things up for you. Let me know if something doesn't make sense.