from the best of my knowledge, you get to wear wutever the hell you want at uni
and to those of you who have already been to university...
are you deemed a cheapskate or a tight ass if you wear the same clothes each day, like ur own little uniform?
being a guy, i absolutely hate dressing up in fashion because pussies and girls do that, i just tend to stick to my favourite outfit.
my moto is, if it keeps you warm, wear it
none of the stupid "whats in fashion" shit
whenever i get a "free-clothes day", ppl tend to laugh at me for wearing the same shit over and over
does this happen at uni? or is everyones heads so far up their asses that they dont really give a shit?
from the best of my knowledge, you get to wear wutever the hell you want at uni
and to those of you who have already been to university...
are you deemed a cheapskate or a tight ass if you wear the same clothes each day, like ur own little uniform?
being a guy, i absolutely hate dressing up in fashion because pussies and girls do that, i just tend to stick to my favourite outfit.
my moto is, if it keeps you warm, wear it
none of the stupid "whats in fashion" shit
whenever i get a "free-clothes day", ppl tend to laugh at me for wearing the same shit over and over
does this happen at uni? or is everyones heads so far up their asses that they dont really give a shit?