I have for some of my science notes, partially because I was an aural and visual learner, it really depends on what type of a learner you are-ultimately choose the study method that works the best for you-every individual is unique after all
I've done it before (in Prelim, not the actual HSC). However, it was for a speech (so I didn't have to use palm cards whatsoever #yolo). It worked, though. Got 10/10 for eye contact, lel. It really comes down to you, as suggested above.
In my experience, most of my time spent listening to notes consisted of me thinking "wtf, do i really sound like that? How do i have friends? srsly". I did get over this after a little bit, though.
Audio notes are actually the best when you are walking to and fro school, like I was, audio notes may not be the best to use for free periods or on trains though, since trains can be pretty crowded and loud-unless you are able to find the quiet carriage and so you may not be able to hear the audio recording properly, and free periods can be much more efficiently spent doing some actual work. But I will still maintain the same advice, do whatever works for you