I have applied for pod this year, just wanna know everyones opinions about the course, especially those who are currently studying it.
Iam doing 2nd yr sci at unsw and hoping to transfer and do something....practical
out of all health professions podiatry isnt really considered allied health (even though media protrays it that way) it is more of a medical profession or like dentistry in its own field
In australia there are 3 professions that specialise, do surgery and are providers of professional attention, they are medicine, podiatry and dentistry.
Podiatrists scope of practice in australia is much less then the US however in the AU:
-Podiatrists can prescribe medications
-specialise further to do surgery, sports medicine, diabetes etc
-along with medcine and dentistry you can call yourself a 'Dr'.
-refer for diagnostic imaging ie MRI, cat scans etc
- starting salary is from 65k to 110000k
- get in now while its still an undergrad degree cos its changing to postgrad in the future