I will be selling my ACCT3563 and ACCT3708 textbooks once I find out my results. Send me a PM if still interested. By the way, my books are in pristine condition (emphasis on pristine)
P.S. ACCT3563 textbooks (Deegan and Picker) are 1 edition older (only very minor changes), but they will do the job as any pages required by the course will be put up on Blackboard by the lecturer in charge if need be. They just released the new edition this semester.
I am selling the FINS3616 textbook: Multinational Finance 4E by Kirt Butler.
Price: $40
Please contact me if you are still interested - Mob: 0431 565 186 or just email me.
PS> Also selling solution manual for that book (hard copy and binded) for $5.