Any tips for Extension2 English from anyone who got an E4? (1 Viewer)


Che barba
Jun 2, 2013
E4 student:

- Composes a highly original and sustained Major Work that demonstrates coherence to achieve a fluent integration of meaning(s), value(s) and form
- Formulates sophisticated insights and concepts through investigation. Communicates highly developed ideas with sophistication
- Demonstrates a highly skilled integration of language, technical skills, conventions and medium for the intended audience and purpose
- There is a conscious and highly successful shaping of meaning to engage an audience which is evident throughout the work

E3 student:

- Composes an original and sustained Major Work that demonstrates coherence to achieve a skilled integration of meaning(s), value(s) and form
- Formulates substantial insights and concepts through investigation. Communicates developed ideas with clarity
- Demonstrates skilled integration of language, technical skills, conventions and medium for the intended audience and purpose
- There is a conscious and successful shaping of meaning to engage an audience which is generally evident throughout the work

Differences in bold.

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