i know this is really last minute but is it advisable to write answers to long answer questions in point form? even parts of it. because i rarely have enough time to finish the paper and have been writing most of my stuff in paragraphs.
if u run out of time then write in point form
at least u could get some marks
but generally i doubt ull run out of time so its best to write it in sentences
Depends on the question. If you have a question which is asks for advantages and disadvantages or compare and contrast, you might even do it in a table form. But unless you're strapped for time, write in full sentences. You shouldn't be running out of time, really.
try not to write in dot points if can elp it but u should have plenty of time i remember in yr 11 our half yearly was a 2 hours or 1 and a half one and every one was finished in 20 minutes