Our advice is to avoid forcing something unnatural or 'corny', so to speak, in the creative section. High-range creatives engage and affect the marker, and the best and easiest way to do that is to actually write on something that the marker can relate to - something that evokes an emotional response, encourages reflection and/or subverts expectations. The best kinds of creatives are the ones that are actually realistic in a sense. It's not necessary about creating an entirely unique story, it's about doing something different or new with something old.
In saying that, you could consider something similar like a parallel story line, alternating between a symbolic scenario, e.g. a deer on the run or a wolf nurturing her young, with a regular plotline, e.g. a young boy running from or struggling with his problems, or a mother caring for her children. Also, try and write on something engaging and natural, that creates a sense of flow or movement (rather than something static like a tree, unless you're merely using it as a motif).
Hope that helps