is hella gay!
*cries* :'(
its like every semester i end up falling behind in at leeeeast one subject (although this time, all 3 that im doing, but this is the worst)
godammit im gonna live in the uni library for the rest of the sem! with no money... yes, 2 hours from home on non-uni days just so that i don't get distracted and walk home or go shopping.
hoowww am i gonna catch up
its so hard and there's so much!
and maybe im just really stupid but i feel like such a fob when i read the textbook... it's so hard to understand
i don't want to fail
anyway err.. the point of this tread.... who here does it? am iii the only lost one?
*cries* :'(
its like every semester i end up falling behind in at leeeeast one subject (although this time, all 3 that im doing, but this is the worst)
godammit im gonna live in the uni library for the rest of the sem! with no money... yes, 2 hours from home on non-uni days just so that i don't get distracted and walk home or go shopping.
hoowww am i gonna catch up
its so hard and there's so much!
and maybe im just really stupid but i feel like such a fob when i read the textbook... it's so hard to understand
i don't want to fail
anyway err.. the point of this tread.... who here does it? am iii the only lost one?