
  1. nirvanalvr

    early entry

    hi guys, I was wondering if uni entry is something hard to get into. I'm currently in year 11 and my prelims are starting next week. My grades atm before prelims were: B for English Adv, C for Ext Eng, C for standard maths, B for society and culture, B for investigating science, A for legal...
  2. C

    early entry into law

    Hey guys, just want to know if you guys have any idea on whether getting early entry into law at MCQ, UTS and UOW is hard? If you guys have gotten it and don't mind, please disclose your approximate grades and approximate school rank. I go to a rank 30/40 selective school in Sydney and didn't do...

    UOW early admission

    How lenient is uow when giving out early offers ?

    UOW Degree Advice !?!?!?

    Hey, I'm currently in Year 12, and I'm quite interested in Finance. I was wondering what the level of Mathematics would be like in a Bachelor of Finance & Mathematics. The assumed knowledge is Mathematics Advanced, and the recommended studies is Mathematics Extension 1. However, I only do...