
  1. Grape101

    If nesa counts your best 10 units, what if ext is counted? that would only be 9 units counted

    so you know how nesa counts our best 10 units? what if math ext is counted in as well, but the problem is it's only 1 unit. adding best 8 units (2 unit each 'normal' subject) and the one unit from math ext, that would only be 9/10 units counted! what happens to the last unit? do they just not...
  2. G

    is it best to do 10 or 11 units?

    I'm currently doing 11 units, and my one unit is Studies of Religion 1. Should I drop it and have ten units and more time to focus on other subjects or keep it so I have a backup unit? I don't exactly love it, but I don't hate it either it's just a bit...boring, especially with my teacher not...
  3. 8

    what subject to drop??? pls help!

    Hi! I'm currently in year 11 and will be in year 12 next term. I study 3u maths, 3u english, 2u bio, 2u chem, 2u beginners italian and that is all currently 12 units My dilemma is that I don't know what to drop. I want to do something science-y in the future so I expected to drop ext eng, but...
  4. thatnormster

    Best 2 units of English counts towards ATAR... What does that mean?

    I'm taking Extension 2 English. Does that mean that if I nail Extension 1 and Extension 2 English, and do horribly for Advanced, then those 2 English units will count and Advanced is completely forgotten about?
  5. H

    To drop or not to drop?

    I am currently contemplating dropping ext 1 english, as I have not performed well for the HSC exams of the course thus far. Our class only has 9-10 people, but I think i may be ranked last at the moment. The decision is really hard to make and everyone I ask for advice tells me that the pros and...
  6. isaezra

    what subjects to pick, and what courses to apply for, to become a doctor without wasting your money and time

    TL;DR If you want to go into medicine; 1. take chemistry, and advanced math or higher 2. sit the UCAT 3. apply for early entry into the "Bachelors of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery" (MBBS) at JCU and Curtin 4. if you don't get in, apply for regular UAC entry into any MBBS 5. if you don't get in...