ext 1

  1. L


    Hi, I’m a 2023 BHHS graduate, and I’m offering private/group tutoring for Biology, English Advanced, and Mathematics (Advanced & Extension 1) for students in Years 11 and 12, as well as any non-elective courses in 7-10. During my HSC journey, I worked hard to refine my approach to studying and...
  2. Digitaldan

    Maths Extension Debrief

    Just hoping, just hoping it aint as cooked as the advanced exam just give me intergration and proof by induction please😭Nesa if you are seeing this help a brother out
  3. S

    year 11 adv and ex1 math resources

    can someone send like a free textbook or like a bunch of questions similar to howard 4u 1000 questions for year 11 adv and ex1 math
  4. K

    3U and 4U resources

    Hello If you have any difficult questions please upload them so they go here hscquestions.com/subjects/3U/topics/good_questions Resources 3U vectors - hscquestions.com/subjects/3U/topics/vectors 3U perms and combs - hscquestions.com/subjects/3U/topics/perms_and_combs 3U binomial stats -...
  5. D

    Can't Find Past Papers From New Syllabus

    Hi, In preparation for the prelim exams, I am on the search for past papers, however, almost all of the papers I have found are from the old syllabus (pre-2018) and I am not sure where I can find new syllabus papers. So if anyone has past papers/knows a website I can view past papers for...
  6. B

    Prelim half-yearlies for Advanced maths & Ext 1 maths

    Does anyone have any half-yearly exam papers (new curriculum) for Yr 11 advanced maths and Yr 11 Ext 1 maths they could share or send to me? Thanks