
  1. A

    Cadetships 2023

    Hi there! I suppose everyone has or will soon receive second-round interview offers after their first-round PCA one for UBS/Barrenjoey/Macquarie by now. Just wondering where everyone has received an offer and whether or not it was their initial preference during the application and first-round...
  2. C

    pca cadetship

    hi! i was just wondering if there are any macquarie group cadets/pca cadets in general who would be able to provide some insight into what it’s like? or how ubs cadets are? also, does anyone know how many people pca take each other (+how many each company take)? and if anyone is willing to...
  3. raj123456789

    Cadetship 2020 thread

    Hey yall, When I was applying for cadetships this year I couldn't find a 2019 thread and there wasn't too much info going around for the CURRENT year, so just making this thread for future applicants in 2020 to help in any way I can! Also if anyone else is up for a discussion about their future...