atar calculation

  1. Grape101

    If nesa counts your best 10 units, what if ext is counted? that would only be 9 units counted

    so you know how nesa counts our best 10 units? what if math ext is counted in as well, but the problem is it's only 1 unit. adding best 8 units (2 unit each 'normal' subject) and the one unit from math ext, that would only be 9/10 units counted! what happens to the last unit? do they just not...
  2. M

    atar calculation for higher atars

    hey guys, idk if this question even makes sense/valid to ask but i think im just paranoid. basically ik that if you do more than 10 units for HSC only your top 10 units (including at least 2 units of english (at least i think its at least, e.g. if you did 4u eng and did well in every unit all 4...