1984 george orwell

  1. watermelonenjoyer

    how to study for 1984 in-class essay

    good morrow bos sunday users. tomorrow i have an in-class essay as part of our assignment for 1984. our teacher has been absent the last 2 weeks and has left us no work, plus my dumb ahh just finished the book yesterday. i need to lock in af and idk what specifically i should be looking at...
  2. A

    Multimodal Task on 1984 - Help needed.

    Just got my first task for English Advanced and its a Multimodal presentation on 1984 that can be done as a video with voice recording. Im planning on using prezi for slides and a voice over. For now I have picked "The Backwater Gospel" as my related text but am looking for better related texts...
  3. E

    1984 and human motivations??

    How does 1984 demonstrate how human behaviour/ motivations challenge assumptions/ ignite new ideas? I don't really understand what assumptions would be challenged or how the human behaviours would 'ignite new ideas'. Does anyone know anything about this?
  4. beaniebabie

    technique in this quote?

    hey, sorry this is a bit of a last minute post! what would be the technique in this quote, "the smell of boiled cabbage and old rag mats," from Orwell's 1984? I was thinking of a decaying tone but I feel like there's a better technique for this quote.
  5. I

    English Essay - 1984

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if people could give me some feedback on which of these essay ideas they think would be most effective, I have no idea which one to decide! Thesis Idea 1: Challenges that arise from the necessary interaction between the individual and the collective Paragraph 1...
  6. K

    1984 Summary

    Hi, anyone got a summary or sample essay for 1984? Thanks!
  7. T

    HELP!!! 1984 Advanced English

    Hey Guys, I'm currently a year 12 advanced English student ahhh :/ I am studying 1984 by George Orwell and need lots of help analysing it for the human experience of suffering. also... if anyone has any good points on connecting and comparing 1984 by George Orwell and Guernica by Pablo Picasso...