walking along in the playground, back from the canteeen, the wind picks up:
me:fuck its cold
kristy:yeah and that winds really......windy
at the end of a bushwalk:
student:wow look, a tree!
Fresh cut is opening a dance club on the coast and needs people to premote it by selling tickets, if you live on the coast and are stil at school and are interested, PM or Email me. you will make $3 fror every ticket you sell and get free entry to other sydney clubs.
after bieng in a private school for 5 years i left to a public th the end of year 10. best move ever. i no longer have to put up with the extra bullshit that goes with bieng in a private school(eg. saturday sport, strict uniform, rediculous conforming to outdated traditions, fee's of $15000+...
after doing 5 terms of 2u, i found the work was getting over my hed, i spoke to some people and they said if i could blitz general,(97+), then i would still recieve a decent mark, but i had to blitz it or it wouldnt be worth it.