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  1. R

    So, anyone else commute from the Central Coast?

    Curious as to how many UTSers are from the Coast. I only know of a handful, but surely there is more...
  2. R


    ...four chicks?
  3. R


    Go for it. Let me know if you do, love to join.
  4. R


    Not sure. But i'd be willing to make a UTS Poker Club.
  5. R


    Yeah. I second that idea. Is there a poker club at UTS? If there isn't, there should be.
  6. R


    The LSS First year drinks was last night which was good. And the commencement party is on Thursday, but from what i've heard if you want a decent party go to the Sydney party.
  7. R

    B of Business - Economics For Business

    Yeah. Can't say i'm a fan of them. I didn't do eco in year 12 but, so i don't find them as easy as most people would.
  8. R

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread Yeah they're alright. Commuting kind of sucks from the coast. But, oh well. But the city is good. Except for spending so much money on my breaks on nothing.
  9. R

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread Barely. Nah it counts. Hows that treatin' ya? I'm loving my massive 11 hours a week.
  10. R

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread Seeing as this is the only active topic here, thought i'd say hey. any other first year business people rockin' here?
  11. R

    First day for first years?

    City is alright. More to do there than KG.
  12. R

    First day for first years?

    What did everyone thiiiiink? Especially the business kids...
  13. R

    Are there tutorials first week for first years?

    I heard there isn't.
  14. R

    So what did everyone think of the O Day?

    Yeah, i doubt i'm going to the faculy welcome anymore. Heard it probably won't be worth it. Though theres a few first year parties/drinks/whatever you want to call it to go to.
  15. R

    So what did everyone think of the O Day?

    Thought it was pretty good myself, a heap of free stuff, lots of clubs to join, etc.
  16. R

    B Business Rolecall

    I'm B Business this year. Should be gooood.
  17. R

    B Bus 2007 Students.

    Yeah. I wouldn't say im excited to start, but it's good that im in. Not looking forward to my new relationship with city rail trains though.
  18. R

    2007 UTS Offers

    B Business (City) Full-Time. Pretty stoked with that.