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  1. E

    Some advice please

    Lol I'm 21 now and I still don't exactly know "what type of job i want". Atm im doing a BA (Music) / Bbus (IT) course. My interest areas are computers, music, photography, design, u know all that art type of stuff, and all that kinda thing. Execpt im not 100% sure on the degree choice, as it...
  2. E

    Is it worth doing a double degree?

    Hey can I have some advice... Hey I would like some advice on double degrees and whether its worth it etc... I am listed down to do a Music / Business (IT Major) double degree! Now im not sure if thats an interesting combo.. I really enjoy music, and computers etc etc.. But business im not...
  3. E

    Compostition or performance?

    At uni now Well what do you know, im at uni right now and just finished my first composition lecture, its all pretty interesting and it appears to be a fun course :) Seems pretty layed back here at SCU (Lismore) I guess though, at the end of the day... no matter how fun a course or somthing...
  4. E

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    i wonder if they have ani-procrastination drugs I wonder if they make anti-procrastination drugs or anything of that thing ... lol that would be handy
  5. E

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    Is it a bad sign that uni is about to start and i dont want to go or is that quite normal for most people about to start uni for the first time? Its kinda like im over it before it even begins .... Shame on me lol
  6. E

    Compostition or performance?

    i picked composition cuz i like writing songs and have for a long time.... the thing im struggling with it.... whether or not it will actually provide a job, hell i like doing it, and its fun... but yeh who knows if it should be studied as a degree... u look at all the bands around, bet they...
  7. E

    Much demand for Secondary Music Teachers?

    I'm about to start a Music degree @ southern cross uni and I wanting to know peoples opinons about Music teaching as a career. Is there much demand for Music teachers for schools etc? Like Secondary teaching... Im still way unsure if i even should be doing music at university (because its not a...
  8. E

    Music Course at Southern Cross Uni

    Just about to start this course I'm just about to start the Bacholor Of Contemporary Music course @ Lismore Southern Cross... I think its gonna be good, but im still unsure about it... not fully sure if its what i "should" be doing at university... Ahh i guess you should always try somthing and...