man that test wasn't that bad. buh as what some other people said, some of the experiments wern't even done in class. even if you do well in this, doesnt it scale you down since its a easy course?
i bet this papers gona be hard for some people.. the rest.. pfft it'll be like piss easy for them.
why cant they have a exam with just one question..... 1+1=?? ehehe. some people would try and find out whats behind the 1+1
Does any one have the 2003 hsc mathematics past paper answers or a link to where i can get it? not the mathematics guidelines, the answers.
thanks all.
wohh.. nearly everyone has done an all nighter or woke up early with like 2-3 hrs sleep.. wont be suprised if some people asleep during the chem exam. ahaha what a waste of an all nighter.