Ha..i couldn't give a rats what the people at your school thought about me. There were only a few people who's opinion of me i actually cared about. Everyone else meant nothing. I know they talked about me behind my back... alot of them should have been an little more careful who they were...
Despite the fact you hate me, I really am sorry to hear about your Pop but. I
literally onle found out a couple weeks ago when Mum was talking to your Nan, and I actually cried when she told me.
But anyways, now that I've said that I'm sure you'll just continue to rip on me or attempt to...
...since when?
Also, well done at believing me when I said I was pregnant, and spreading it around the school. You look like a real dickhead now that everyone knows it's not true.
Chris, will you please learn to type.
Obviously you agree if you claim the entire town can't stand me. Ah Duh?
I have to pop in and see her next week anyway. Got some stuff to show her...
Chris, I think you're forgetting how good of friends I am with your grandmother...
I think she'd be rather intrigued to see what you're saying about me, considering I haven't really said anything to provoke this...