I do them in order. Section I gets me flowing with techniques etc, Section II is just manipulating a pre-prepared story so it's like a break, Section III is manipulating a pre-prepared essay to a question a bit harder and longer to write.
OK so I have a study plan at the moment and I have pretty much equal time for all subjects. However I have a week+ between all my exams so should I refocus my plan to focus on English Adv as at the moment I'm a low 80s student in English or should I keep my timetable balanced?
Also I get about...
Teachers supplied heaps of our past papers. Excel books and the board of studies sites as well. Along side going over summaries etc and perfecting exam technique believe me there is definitely enough, kinda scared there is too much.
someone post the video where the guest on fox brings up McCain's cheating on his first wife while the anchors are ragging Edwards for the same, and they just shout 'WAR HERO 6 YEARS IN A POW CAMP WAR HERO' over and over
Ok so per the title, I'm looking at a course that requires 80, science double degreee program this one or pg 246 of the '09 VTAC guide. Also, the school I am at (AHS) qualifies for two SEAS categories at Latrobe: under-represented schools and the rural/isolated one despite being ranked 136 which...
I've been reading this thread a bit on SA: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2843966&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=1 And it's pretty much swayed me. It's over a hundred pages long now but just slog through the first few and you'll get the picture. Once you get beneath the...
Sorry if this is on here somewhere, but i was wondering how long it takes for premium membership to be processed. I've paid and i have the receipt and all that jazz. My internet is capped so finding this information has become quite the chore.