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  1. A

    ANU Chatter Thread

    Re: ANU 2011 Semester 1 Chatter Thread OH dont worry. I literally brought my home with me. Asian parents, you know, oh bring this (salt) you'll need it, Oh bring this (Soy source), you'll need it. So loving but so heavy.. @Aquawhite: I live in Sydney so it's nowhere close, and ANU was...
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    ANU Chatter Thread

    Re: ANU 2011 Semester 1 Chatter Thread Can the photo id in NSW be used?. Hows Warrumbul?
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    You're so early. Are you still looking for an accommodation?
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    Textbook 4 sale. 1st year foundation of law + international studies

    Deal finished. Sorry moving to Canberra/
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    By the way did you receive the enrolment packs in the mail yet?
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    My enrolment's on 14th. but im going there on 31st, just for the pre-enrolment thing. Because i have NO idea what courses i need to enrol into. After that, probably going down at a sunday... say 6th, 13rd. Hopefully ill see you around ANU =)!
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    yea thats the one. and i know its pretty expensive... but im just glad i have somewhere to live...ORZ.. tho i have to cook.... which i dont.... sigh.... atleast its a start...XD.... when are you heading down?
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    i just got an offer too.. at Wuarr... Unilodge !
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    OMG congratulation! at least you've got an offer!!!!!!!!!! sigh and dies.. ORZ
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    ANU Accommodation

    damn.. i just hope anu can give a notice whether there are accomodation left on campus so we dont have to wait for it and just rush to canberra now..
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    haven't been getting any emails from anu. No accom offer whatsoever ..not even to confirm my acceptance of academic offer. ORZ||||| worried....
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    dies.. when can i get accommodation offer.. im so worried... ORZ
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    Hey guys i've got a question as well. I've accepted the offer online. and i've also applied for the accomodation before, but 2 days theres no reply in mail nor when i checked the accomodation portal, the status still says: Academic offer made. I was informed that ill get a package (in mail)about...
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    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    1st year. B Psychology hopefully.
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    Is the Arc Student club worth it?

    hahaha the lipton was nice... xDxD i love freebies ( lets face it guys we all love free stuff)
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    is the FOL still available?

    is the FOL still available?
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    What do we do after enrolling?

    thanks guys i guess i will go pick it up on the 19th... a day later of my return to Australia =P
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    what do you do in between lectures?

    Eat, Library, wondering around UNSW
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    What do we do after enrolling?

    After enrolled, do we have to do anything till O-week? anything requiring you to go to UNSW kensington campus i mean ( beside picking up our id card, which i intend to do during o-week) . Because im currently holidaying overseas and booking for my airline ticket. Thanks guys.:skip:
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    Timetabling issues :@

    i OMGed at the timetables.. then i OTLed when i looked at mine..