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  1. N

    BscIT + International Studies

    I got 78.85. The cut off this year was like 82 so i got some form of bonus points from somewhere.
  2. N

    BscIT + International Studies

    Cool! This is the course ive enrolled for. I want to do Japan as my major as well. I haven't heard of anyone else doing this as a combined degree at UTS.
  3. N

    Post Your UAI's Here

    78.85 it was my maths mark that killed it hardcore. i got like a band2. otherwise all my marks were in the 80s or equivalent for the extension subjects. 79 for english advanced. i can still get into three of the preferences that i've wanted to do, which is essentially the entire point of all of...
  4. N

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    In relation to Antony and Cleopatra, the texts I used alongside it were the visual text Pans Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro and Chris Johnston and Penelope Debelle's Sunday Morning Herald article on Peter Costello...
  5. N

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    Are the shops in the CBD open on Friday? I need to be at David Jones, where are all these blockades?
  6. N

    What are u doing this Holiday? (merged)

    History Extension Project Modern History Assignment English - practice essays and getting as much of my notes done as I can. I have a couple of things to look forward to, few parties and Domination on the 14th. Heres hoping that I don't waste the two weeks moping around the city and watching...
  7. N

    the subject you have the least confidence in.

    MATHS@@!#!$ But I've been getting really freaked about History Extension, the kind of stuff were doing is starting to get really like crazy and the teacher's strarting to scare me... The only subject I have any confidence in (and the only subjects I actually don't mind studying for) is IPT and...
  8. N

    how far is everyone into their major work?

    So far, I have a decent idea as to what I want to do, except i'm still tossing up between three different kinds of questions on the topic. As for research, it's been pretty superficial kind of just general stuff, looking at the different readings and historians. Umm...oh yeah I've been trying...
  9. N

    Helping Out-If stuck for proposal, look here!

    This proposal looks good. Thanks for that, I wasn't sure how to write about my methodology. You did a pretty good analysis of yours. LOL can we refer to ourselves as historians?
  10. N

    plane tix for gold coast?

    How much would return flights cost to Gold Coast? Is there anything cheaper than $90 one way?
  11. N

    Napoleon + nyone else have a Case Study that is undertaken by your school only?

    Whoaa, so many schools doing Napoleon. We're doing Hitler and the Appeasement. I'm freaking out about historiography it's so weird and hard and boring.
  12. N

    History Project Topic allowed to be similar or the same as prelim work?

    Okay thanks for that, oh yeah, does Macquarie University have a good history section in their library? I hate State Library it's really confusing, and Fishers like been my main source of information up until now.
  13. N

    History Project Topic allowed to be similar or the same as prelim work?

    So far I only know what kind of area I might be interested in, Japanese Militarism. Which we had to do an assignment on for Prelim Modern History. I did something along the lines of 'assess the influence the Japanese Military had on the Japanese government during 1930s'. Could I make my History...