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  1. Sylvia Plarth

    Matrix 2020 Mod 7 Past Paper

    Help, I don't do matrix my friend just gave me the test 💀
  2. Sylvia Plarth

    Matrix 2020 Mod 7 Past Paper

    Hi, I just did the Module 7 Matrix Education past paper but the marking criteria I have is scuffed, like some just isn't there.... anyone have it? Thanks
  3. Sylvia Plarth

    Special Rel M7S4

    Hillo, I just wondering is Michelson-Morley still in syllabus, like I cant rlly understand the syllabus officially. Can they ask qs directly about the set up and stuff, or can they ask for evidence and we can choose to mention it. Thanks
  4. Sylvia Plarth

    Looking for BoS trial volunteers

    @Trebla Any chance you have 2023 Physics Test BOS Trials Solutions (cos I have the test, just not the solutions). Thankyou
  5. Sylvia Plarth

    Looking for BoS trial volunteers

    Are there any physics BOS trials past papers? Cos ik it happened in 2023, but I cant find it or its solutions anywhere... thanks!!
  6. Sylvia Plarth

    Looking for BoS trial volunteers

    For Common Module we did 1984, for Mod B we're doing Keats and Bright Star.. And my related text for Module C is Picture a Vaccuum by Kae Tempest.
  7. Sylvia Plarth

    Looking for BoS trial volunteers

    WAIT. PLS HELP. I hope you can ask and that there are BOS trials for english advanced, I'm lowkey hopeless and idk what I'm doing with my mod c stuff and modules... but tbh in my defence my teacher is a bit more hopeless than even me.
  8. Sylvia Plarth

    IP - Promotion & Program

    Hi guys, Does anyone know how many pages our logbooks should be when we submit internally, cos tbh I'm clueless. It isn't gonna be marked internally for me (I think), but my teacher's gonna be so so so mad, if I haven't done much and she won't tell me how much we should do 💀💀. Also please lmk...
  9. Sylvia Plarth

    Looking for BoS trial volunteers

    It would be so helpful, but it would take forever to mark tbh so lmao it makes sense if they don't.. but math adv...??