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  1. R

    expected completion date?

    Old thread but can anyone confirm this because it came up with end of sem 1 2028 but otherwise it’s end of term 2 2027
  2. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    I have thought about it but not sure
  3. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    Is it possible to be enrolled in 2 degrees and then decide before uni starts. I know I don’t have long but I’m so conflicted. I’ve told my family that I was going to do paramed but that was before the offer for science
  4. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    I think I might actually do science at Usyd and then just do post grad study. Hopefully it helps me to figure out what I want to do.
  5. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    Thanks. Good luck to you as well
  6. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    Think I will do paramed. Can always try transfer if I don’t like it
  7. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    Did consider it but don’t think it’s for me.
  8. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    Thanks for the reply will definitely take what you have mentioned into consideration.
  9. R

    Still unsure of what degree

    I have received offers for multiple degrees at different unis but still unsure of what I should do. Offers have been med sci, pharma, paramed, science and similar. I hacve enrolled in paramed but an having second thoughts mostly because of an offer of Usyd science. I have never been set in a...
  10. R

    (class of 2024) did you guys get any offers today?

    Paramed at wsu and got utas the other day
  11. R

    Which course is better? HELP!!!

    Thank you. I was actually looking at uts for Pharma but still very helpful. I feel like I will find the content of it interesting but do still worry about the difficulty.
  12. R

    Which course is better? HELP!!!

    I’m the same deciding between paramed and pharmaceutical science. Any insight into which will be easier to maintain grades.
  13. R

    HSC results services

    Same but 94 for internals. I Kina knew I stuffed that exam though but still want to know
  14. R

    HSC results services

    Someone at my school increased result for one subject by 3 marks and ended up with a state rank
  15. R

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    I didn’t get an email either
  16. R

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    Glad I got in early then estimate was 91.55 but I think it will be lower
  17. R

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    Question: how did I who was ranked 6th get the same assessment mark as someone ranked 9th should I have been higher